This event is an invitation to use the power of Systemic Constellations to open up the field of deeper wisdom and spiritual connection that exists between us and discover the values that facilitate that journey and the limiting beliefs that may be standing on our way to true belonging and change.
Systemic Constellations are a powerful method founded on indigenous wisdom and continuously innovated in the last years. They bring unmatched results when dealing with relational, group, or societal difficulties, finding novel ways to deal with persistent challenges, getting unstuck, and dealing with other things you can’t Google yourself out of.
During the event, we will:
- AMPLIFY THE WHISPERS of OUR HEARTS: We’ve always listened to our intuition when making decisions about things that matter. We’re also learning to listen to it when things are too complex. Yet, we often don’t hear these subtle whispers. Now, we’ll amplify them and make visible hidden dynamics, relationships and opportunities.
- MOVE BEYOND THE STORIES: To do that, for a moment, we will dethrone our rational mind as the only source for problem-solving, creativity, innovation and meaning-making in order to circumvent the old “maps” and narratives that we use which, in the times we live today, may or may not serve us well.
- PARTICIPATE AND BE PRESENT:To gain the full benefit, participants are required to be present with their camera switched on throughout the whole duration of the event. Sessions are not recorded
For more information and registration for this event please click here