
World Values Day Valuesthon 2023

Our all-day online values festival spanning New Zealand, Australia, Asia, India, Africa, Europe and America.
The Valuesthon schedule for 2024 will be posted here in early September. The schedule below is from 2023.

AI and Values: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Start: October 6, 2023 12:30 pm

End: October 6, 2023 2:00 pm


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Is AI an existential threat or a massive boon for humankind? Either way it is vitally important that we explore the ethical and values issues around this major new factor for cultural, social and economic change. Two experts will present their different views, we will then collaborate in a design thinking exercise, and try to tease out some answers.
Dr Mhairi Aitken
Dr Paquita de Zulueta

WVD Knowledge Cafe

Start: October 12, 2023 9:30 am

End: October 12, 2023 11:30 am


Event Type

Zoom meeting

Event Categories


An intergenerational values conversation between “elders” (over 60s) and “youngers” (young people between 16 and 18), to help each group understand what is important to the other and how the future might look for all. A similar conversation will be held at the same time on 19th October. Schools who are interested in taking part please contact Elders who would like to take part please use the registration link.

Organised by Gurteen Knowledge with Time’s Arrow

David Gurten
Hank Kune
Charles Fowler

Values and True Belonging: Systemic Constellations with Natalia Blagoeva

Start: October 15, 2023 5:00 pm

End: October 15, 2023 7:00 pm


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Use the power of Systemic Constellations to open up the field of deeper wisdom and spiritual connection that exists between us and discover the values that facilitate that journey and the limiting beliefs that stand in the way to true belonging and change. ​

A powerful method bringing unmatched results for relational, group, or societal difficulties, persistent challenges, getting unstuck, and other things you can't Google yourself out of.

Organised by The Human Advantage

Natalia Blagoeva

India Celebrates World Values Day: Values Bring Us Together

Start: October 16, 2023 11:30 am

End: October 16, 2023 1:15 pm


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Join this celebration of WVD with prominent speakers from India and around the world giving us powerful insights into the different practical ways that values can bring us together and transcend the boundaries of cultures, faiths and everyday life.

Organised by the Universal Spirituality and Humanity Foundation, Public Police NGO and West Bengal Federation of United Nations Associations.

Rahul Varma
Pamela Doherty
Katrina Ramage
Charles Fowler
Justice K.G. Balakrishnan Dr. Dr H.P. Kanoria
Ram Karan Verma
Haji Syed Salman Chishty
Prof. Glen T. Martin

Dharma Yoga participative webinar

Start: October 19, 2023 7:00 am

End: October 19, 2023 8:00 am


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Event Categories


Dharma Yoga is a Framework of Values common for all Religions and Science which can bring World  Peace. A novel Meditation technique based on Dharma Yoga will be demonstrated. Dharma Yoga can result in transformation at different levels - Personal, Family, Organizational and Societal, resulting in  Peace, Happiness and Welfare through Love and Friendship.
It helps us to spot negative emotions and move into positive zone.

Organised by Pragati Sudhaama

Dr CSR Prabhu

Mind-body practice: a personal value in action

Start: October 19, 2023 8:00 am

End: October 19, 2023 8:45 am


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As a mind-body practice, sophrology invites us to put in brackets our preconceived ideas and rational thinking about what our values should be, and to open to a deeper place in ourselves where we might discover what has true meaning, and how that can be lived more fully. This short sophrology practice uses dynamic relaxation and guided meditation to make a more conscious connection with a personal value and discover how it can be more present in your daily life. One of several such Valuesthon events organised by International Sophrology Federation.

Bringing Organization Stakeholders Together with a Sense of Shared Values

Start: October 19, 2023 8:00 am

End: October 19, 2023 9:00 am


Event Type

Zoom meeting

Event Categories


Exploring the paradigm of the Values Economy and how organizational leaders can establish deliver sustained performance with Alan Williams, who will outline the new paradigm of the Values Economy and explain how leaders can survive and thrive against this emerging landscape. The starting point is a shared sense of values to bring stakeholders together.


Alan Williams

WVD Knowledge Cafe

Start: October 19, 2023 9:30 am

End: October 19, 2023 11:30 am


Event Type
Event Categories


An intergenerational values conversation between “elders” (over 60s) and “youngers” (young people between 16 and 18), to help each group understand what is important to the other and how the future might look for all. A similar conversation will be held at the same time on 19th October. Schools who are interested in taking part please contact Elders who would like to take part please use the registration link.

Organised by Gurteen Knowledge with Time’s Arrow

David Gurteen
Hank Kune
Charles Fowler

Being, Doing and Caring – Bringing Values to life in Early Years Classrooms

Start: October 19, 2023 9:30 am

End: October 19, 2023 10:30 am


Event Type

Zoom meeting

Event Categories


Experience a range of fun, multi-sensory, evidence-based classroom rituals that bring to life the big three human values of PEACE, TRUTH and LOVE in Early Years classrooms. The session will give teachers and others with an interest in early years education an insight into a new way of approaching the personal development of very young children at a critical time in their lives. Organised by The Human Values Foundation’s The Big 3 + Me team

Organised by The Human Values Foundation’s The Big 3 + Me team

Sarah Pengelly

Mind-body practice: a personal value in action

Start: October 19, 2023 10:00 am

End: October 19, 2023 10:45 am


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As a mind-body practice, sophrology invites us to put in brackets our preconceived ideas and rational thinking about what our values should be, and to open to a deeper place in ourselves where we might discover what has true meaning, and how that can be lived more fully. This short sophrology practice uses dynamic relaxation and guided meditation to make a more conscious connection with a personal value and discover how it can be more present in your daily life. One of several such Valuesthon events organised by International Sophrology Federation.
Annette Ebbinghaus

Mind-body practice: a personal value in action

Start: October 19, 2023 11:00 am

End: October 19, 2023 11:45 am


Event Type


Event Categories


As a mind-body practice, sophrology invites us to put in brackets our preconceived ideas and rational thinking about what our values should be, and to open to a deeper place in ourselves where we might discover what has true meaning, and how that can be lived more fully. This short sophrology practice uses dynamic relaxation and guided meditation to make a more conscious connection with a personal value and discover how it can be more present in your daily life. One of several such Valuesthon events organised by International Sophrology Federation.
Corinne Guion

What Values Would You Die For? Session 1

Start: October 19, 2023 11:00 am

End: October 19, 2023 12:00 pm


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Event Categories


An interactive session exploring what values are important to you in the Family? Friends? Work? Community/Faith/Service groups? Starting with a visualisation exercise which will highlight the values important to us. Values that we would die for. Followed by a group sharing using Gratitude Cards, leading to a deeper connection.

Organised by Happy Life Habits

Shaileen Shah

Mind-body practice: a personal value in action

Start: October 19, 2023 12:00 pm

End: October 19, 2023 12:45 pm


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Event Categories


As a mind-body practice, sophrology invites us to put in brackets our preconceived ideas and rational thinking about what our values should be, and to open to a deeper place in ourselves where we might discover what has true meaning, and how that can be lived more fully. This short sophrology practice uses dynamic relaxation and guided meditation to make a more conscious connection with a personal value and discover how it can be more present in your daily life. One of several such Valuesthon events organised by International Sophrology Federation.
Audrey Zannese


Start: October 19, 2023 12:00 pm

End: October 19, 2023 1:00 pm


Event Type

Zoom meeting

Event Categories


How can we awaken young people to values as a foundation to make their own choices and decisions? This session provides an overview of a values program for schools and universities to deliver to students. Living in line with our values removes ambiguity, instils confidence, improves resilience and ultimately provides a greater sense of fulfilment and happiness. What more valuable skill could young people receive?

Organised by my31Practices

Alan Williams
Fabienne Vailes

Mind-body practice: a personal value in action

Start: October 19, 2023 1:00 pm

End: October 19, 2023 1:45 pm


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Event Categories


As a mind-body practice, sophrology invites us to put in brackets our preconceived ideas and rational thinking about what our values should be, and to open to a deeper place in ourselves where we might discover what has true meaning, and how that can be lived more fully. This short sophrology practice uses dynamic relaxation and guided meditation to make a more conscious connection with a personal value and discover how it can be more present in your daily life. One of several such Valuesthon events organised by International Sophrology Federation.
Florence Parot

Finding the gold: Appreciative Inquiry for collective resurgence in healthcare

Start: October 19, 2023 1:00 pm

End: October 19, 2023 2:30 pm


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Interactive webinar exploring how values alignment is key for healthcare workers to flourish, and how misalignment between personal/professional values with those of their organisation can lead to reduced wellbeing, burnout, and impaired ability to offer compassionate care. We will use appreciative inquiry to identify core values and strengths in order to generate collaboration, co-creation, and innovative solutions.

Organised by the Human Values in Healthcare Forum.
Dr Paquita de Zulueta
Dr Frances da Cunha

Heart Focused Meditation – World Values Day 2023

Start: October 19, 2023 1:00 pm

End: October 19, 2023 1:30 pm


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When we connect deeply with our hearts, our real, authentic values flow with ease into our awareness. We can then reflect upon how best we can reconnect with what truly matters to us. This heart-focused meditation will help you to reconnect with the values at the heart of who you really are. This can enable you to put your values into action which can help us build stronger communities and a more united world.

Organised by HeartMath and WeAddHeartM

Gavin Andrews

Mind-body practice: a personal value in action

Start: October 19, 2023 2:00 pm

End: October 19, 2023 2:45 pm


Event Type
Event Categories


As a mind-body practice, sophrology invites us to put in brackets our preconceived ideas and rational thinking about what our values should be, and to open to a deeper place in ourselves where we might discover what has true meaning, and how that can be lived more fully. This short sophrology practice uses dynamic relaxation and guided meditation to make a more conscious connection with a personal value and discover how it can be more present in your daily life. One of several such Valuesthon events organised by International Sophrology Federation.

Arts + Values = Human Expression – an exploration of poetry and visual arts on the theme VALUES Bring Us Together

Start: October 19, 2023 2:00 pm

End: October 19, 2023 3:00 pm


Event Type

Zoom meeting

Event Categories


Discussing some of the submissions from this year’s Global Poetry Showcase and Art of Values Showcase which encourage people from different backgrounds and levels of experience to express themselves through the media of poetry, (including songs) and visual arts on the topic of values. We will explore the submissions and see where our poetic, artistic, values-led conversation will take us.

Organised by Global Values Alliance

Alan Williams

World Wellness Wheel of Life

Start: October 19, 2023 2:00 pm

End: October 19, 2023 3:00 pm


Event Type

Zoom meeting

Event Categories


Interactive learning for individuals with a focused look at ten areas of their lives and their overall satisfaction level while addressing the three “A”s of wellness:

  1. Awareness – Completing a self-care quiz.
  2. Acceptance – Understanding what’s in and what’s out of your control.
  3. Action – Completing your own wheel of life assessment.

Organised by PJ Jackson

Live Your Values; Manage Your Saboteurs

Start: October 19, 2023 3:00 pm

End: October 19, 2023 4:00 pm


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Learn to switch from negative thinking patterns to more positive ones. Consciously living in line with all our values brings happiness and fulfilment, but our ‘inner saboteurs’ can cause us to focus on one value at a cost to our other important core values, through fear-based, negative thoughts and emotions. We can learn to manage our saboteurs by developing our ‘mental fitness’ with just 15 mins of daily practice.

Organised by Values Coach

Partners In Kind: How A Small Act of Kindness Can Change the World (1)

Start: October 19, 2023 4:00 pm

End: October 19, 2023 5:00 pm


Event Type

Zoom meeting

Event Categories


Interactive discussion about real-life moments when a seemingly small act of kindness changes a life or has a ripple effect changing thousands of lives. We’ll also explore some of the simplest and most often overlooked ways we can have an impact on others, and how our actions not only change the world, but also ourselves.

Organised and hosted by Jenny Haase, Brad Aronson and Randy McNeely.

Jenny Haase
Brad Aronson
Randy McNeely

Mind-body practice: a personal value in action (IN FRENCH)

Start: October 19, 2023 5:00 pm

End: September 19, 2023 5:45 pm


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Event Categories


As a mind-body practice, sophrology invites us to put in brackets our preconceived ideas and rational thinking about what our values should be, and to open to a deeper place in ourselves where we might discover what has true meaning, and how that can be lived more fully. This short sophrology practice uses dynamic relaxation and guided meditation to make a more conscious connection with a personal value and discover how it can be more present in your daily life. One of several such Valuesthon events organised by International Sophrology Federation.
Florence Parot

Values ValuesJam – values and why they bring us together, with a panel of special guests from around the world

Start: October 19, 2023 5:00 pm

End: October 19, 2023 6:30 pm


Event Type

Zoom meeting

Event Categories


ValuesJam with a panel of distinguished guests on why values bring us together. Spend time sharing different perspectives and exploring the meaning and benefit of 'VALUES' to yourself and others, in a safe space, with courageous conversations, whole group thinking and a commitment to personal action for positive impact. Translate your thinking into a tangible action/s for you to apply on World Values Day.

Organised by ValuesJam

Alan Williams

Valuepreneurship: Building a Business That Rocks the World

Start: October 19, 2023 5:00 pm

End: October 19, 2023 5:30 pm


Event Type

Zoom meeting

Event Categories


Are you ready to unleash your inner Valuepreneur and create an online business that not only thrives but also leaves a lasting impact? Join Janic Gorayeb, Founder & Creative Curator of Ripple Effect Leadership in this special World Values Day webinar as we dive into the world of Valuepreneurship! We'll explore how to infuse your entrepreneurial journey with purpose, passion, and help shift your mindset about how you see yourself as the leader of your business. Are you up for the challenge? Let's rock it together!

Organised by Ripple Effect

Janic Gorayeb

Mind-body practice: a personal value in action

Start: October 19, 2023 6:00 pm

End: October 19, 2023 6:45 pm


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Event Categories


As a mind-body practice, sophrology invites us to put in brackets our preconceived ideas and rational thinking about what our values should be, and to open to a deeper place in ourselves where we might discover what has true meaning, and how that can be lived more fully. This short sophrology practice uses dynamic relaxation and guided meditation to make a more conscious connection with a personal value and discover how it can be more present in your daily life. One of several such Valuesthon events organised by International Sophrology Federation.

Determining Compelling Values: Linking Your Values To Align With Others

Start: October 19, 2023 6:00 pm

End: October 19, 2023 7:00 pm


Event Type

Zoom meeting

Event Categories


Start an empowering conversational journey. There will be an opportunity to gain insights into three of the most vital spheres of life when considering a person’s values: the environment, personal relationships, and the role of work in people’s lives. This workshop will be a starting point for ongoing conversations with people from all over the world who are curious about what others think and believe.

Organised by Bells Solutions.

Rhonda L. Bowen

Mind-body practice: a personal value in action

Start: October 19, 2023 7:00 pm

End: October 19, 2023 7:45 pm


Event Type


Event Categories


As a mind-body practice, sophrology invites us to put in brackets our preconceived ideas and rational thinking about what our values should be, and to open to a deeper place in ourselves where we might discover what has true meaning, and how that can be lived more fully. This short sophrology practice uses dynamic relaxation and guided meditation to make a more conscious connection with a personal value and discover how it can be more present in your daily life. One of several such Valuesthon events organised by International Sophrology Federation.
Corinne Guion

Walking The Talk – Love finds a way

Start: October 19, 2023 7:00 pm

End: October 19, 2023 8:30 pm


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It is said that love is the answer to all the challenges that we face in the world but how do we turn what can be a cliché into reality? How do we move from talking the talk, to walking the talk to create a hopeful future for us all? The speakers will talk about what can be achieved when we are motivated by the value of love. Organised by the Brahma Kumaris with the UK Values Alliance.
Jaz O’Hara
Gulwali Passarlay
Georgina Long

Pause® – A call to calm – Making Friends with Yourself. Back to Basics – What’s really important? – Committing to and Embodying Your Values

Start: October 19, 2023 7:00 pm

End: October 19, 2023 9:00 pm


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Event Categories


A call to calm, an invitation to be your own best friend through being mindful, present, and curious and by co-creating a loving and compassionate mirror to reflect your many layers, facets, beliefs, and emotions - the gold held deep within you. This gold informs your values, underpins what’s important to you, drives your actions, habits and behaviours and exquisitely impacts the choices you make, your creativity and your relationship with our world.

Organised by Pause Ventures

Sue Bottomley
Scott Adams

What Values Would You Die For? Session 2

Start: October 19, 2023 8:00 pm

End: October 19, 2023 9:00 pm


Event Type


Event Categories


An interactive session exploring what values are important to you in the Family? Friends? Work? Community/Faith/Service groups? Starting with a visualisation exercise which will highlight the values important to us. Values that we would die for. Followed by a group sharing using Gratitude Cards, leading to a deeper connection.

Organised by Happy Life Habits

Shaileen Shah

Be You More: Activate Your Values Workshop

Start: October 19, 2023 8:30 pm

End: October 19, 2023 9:30 pm


Event Type

Zoom meeting

Event Categories


Activate your values and find clarity on what guides you. Join us for an energetic and participatory experience where you will be encouraged to reflect on your personal values and find new ways to grow forward. During this 1-hour long process, you make exciting discoveries, find new inspirations, and complete a ValYou Crest that will serve as a reminder to Be You More.

Organised by Shift Up Agency

Susan LePlae Miller
Eben Greene
Ipek Williamson

Partners In Kind: How A Small Act of Kindness Can Change the World (2)

Start: October 19, 2023 9:00 pm

End: October 19, 2023 10:00 am


Event Type

Zoom meeting

Event Categories


Interactive discussion about real-life moments when a seemingly small act of kindness changes a life or has a ripple effect changing thousands of lives. We’ll also explore some of the simplest and most often overlooked ways we can have an impact on others, and how our actions not only change the world, but also ourselves.

Organised and hosted by Jenny Haase, Brad Aronson and Randy McNeely.

Jenny Haase
Brad Aronson
Randy McNeely

World Wellness Wheel of Life (Second Session)

Start: October 20, 2023 12:00 am

End: October 20, 2023 1:00 am


Event Type

Zoom meeting

Event Categories


Interactive learning for individuals with a focused look at ten areas of their lives and their overall satisfaction level while addressing the three “A”s of wellness:

  1. Awareness – Completing a self-care quiz.
  2. Acceptance – Understanding what’s in and what’s out of your control.
  3. Action – Completing your own wheel of life assessment.

Organised by PJ Jackson

‘Staying Young’ as a Value

Start: October 20, 2023 1:00 pm

End: October 20, 2023 2:30 pm


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Event Categories


An interactive exploration of how values shape culture, and how the value of 'staying young' in mindset can help individuals and organisations with their lifelong development. Whatever age you are, please come ready for an hour or so of thinking, exploring and sharing with peers in the youth development sector.

Organised by Congo Tree
Heidi Bentley
Sage Dunia

Being Human: Making Connections; Life-Affirming Conversations for Growth

Start: October 20, 2023 2:00 pm

End: October 20, 2023 3:30 pm


Event Type


Event Categories


Several rounds of small group conversations and somatic exercises to foster deeper connections with each other in meaningful ways. The questions we will pose are introspective and reflective in nature to explore our core values. Our intention is that each participant will have the time and safe space to have purposeful small group conversations with two other people. Organised by CMCCF Wisdom of Hope.
Valuesthon 2023 Speakers and Moderators
Scott Adams

SCOTT ADAMS has supported the development of leaders in a wide range of contexts for over 25 years as a coach, facilitator and program designer. Through all his roles professional and personal, he has come to recognize that the most powerful transformation comes through pausing; it allows presence to open doors for more conscious, compassionate choices. Scott’s journey both professionally and personally is all about curiosity and transformation. He has coached leaders of all levels, utilizing broad expertise and deep inquiry to help clients become more present, inspire others, manage productive relationships, navigate change and career transitions and ultimately - thrive in who they are.

SCOTT ADAMS has supported the development of leaders in a wide range of contexts for over 25 years as a coach, facilitator and program designer. Through all his roles professional and personal, he has come to recognize that the most powerful transformation comes through pausing; it allows presence to open doors for more conscious, compassionate choices. Scott’s journey both professionally and personally is all about curiosity and transformation. He has coached leaders of all levels, utilizing broad expertise and deep inquiry to help clients become more present, inspire others, manage productive relationships, navigate change and career transitions and ultimately – thrive in who they are.

Scott will be speaking at Pause® – A Call To Calm – Making Friends With Yourself on 19th October from 18.00 to 19.00 BST (UTC/GMT+1) – for more information click here, to register click here

Dr Mhairi Aitken 
is an Ethics Fellow in the Public Policy Programme at The Alan Turing Institute, a Visiting Senior Lecturer at the Digital Environment Research Institute, Queen Mary University of London and an Honorary Senior Fellow at Australian Centre for Health Engagement, Evidence and Values (ACHEEV) at the University of Wollongong, Australia. She is a Sociologist whose research examines social and ethical dimensions of digital innovation. Mhairi has a particular interest in the role of public engagement in informing ethical data practices. She is a frequent contributor to media discussions on AI and data, including on TV, radio and in print. and was included in the 2023 international list of “100 Brilliant Women in AI Ethics”.

DR MHAIRI AITKEN is Ethics Fellow in the Public Policy Programme at The Alan Turing Institute, Visiting Senior Lecturer at the Digital Environment Research Institute, Queen Mary University of London and Honorary Senior Fellow at Australian Centre for Health Engagement, Evidence and Values at the University of Wollongong, Australia. She is a Sociologist whose research examines social and ethical dimensions of digital innovation. Mhairi has a particular interest in the role of public engagement in informing ethical data practices, and frequently contributes to media discussions on AI and data on TV, radio and in print. She was included in the 2023 international list of “100 Brilliant Women in AI Ethics”.

Mhairi will be speaking at AI and Values: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly on 6th October from 12.30 to 14.00 BST (UTC/GMT+1). For more information click here to register click here

Gavin Andrews

GAVIN ANDREWS is Managing Director for HeartMath in the UK and Ireland. He discovered HeartMath, coherence and heart-based living 14 years ago, and found joy, meaning and purpose in sharing the science and practice of coherence with others. He also founded WeAddHeart, empowering people to connect with their own hearts and the hearts of others, live more fully from the heart and add more heart and coherence to the world. He is passionate about finding practical ways to help people discover calm, clarity and coherence in our increasingly chaotic world. Recently he co-launched Syntropy States which creates beautiful Audio-Visual Relaxation Aids and Breath Pacers using digital generative art and 8D chillout music.

Gavin will be speaking at Heart Focused Meditation – World Values Day 2023 on 19th October from 13.00 to 13.30 BST (UTC/GMT+1) – for more information click here, to register click here. 

Brad Aronson

Brad is the author of the feel-good, National Bestseller HumanKind: Changing the World One Small Act At a Time. NPR said, “You’re going to love this book.” And Forbes Magazine called it “The most uplifting and life-affirming book in years.”

BRAD ARONSON is the author of the feel-good, US National Bestseller HumanKind: Changing the World One Small Act At a Time. NPR said, “You’re going to love this book.” And Forbes Magazine called it “The most uplifting and life-affirming book in years.” Contact Brad at: and for further information go to

Brad will be speaking at Partners in Kind: How a Small Act of Kindness Can Change the World on 19th October from 16.00 to 17.00 BST (UTC/GMT+1) – for more information click here and to register click here; and then at the same event again from 21.00 to 22.00 BST – for more information click here and to register click here.

Hon Justice K.G. Balakrishnan

KG Balakrishnan is former Chief Justice of India , Chairman, National Human Rights Commission of India and Chairman, and Chairman of Public Police - an NGO recently established with support of former high Court Judges, former senior IAS Officers, former Law Secretaries and other distinguished members from different walks of life. The Supreme Court’s first Dalit Chief Justice, he served on the Supreme Court for ten years, including three years as Chief Justice.

HON JUSTICE K.G. BALAKRISHNAN is former Chief Justice of India , Chairman, National Human Rights Commission of India and Chairman, and Chairman of Public Police – an NGO recently established with support of former high Court Judges, former senior IAS Officers, former Law Secretaries and other distinguished members from different walks of life. The Supreme Court’s first Dalit Chief Justice, he served on the Supreme Court for ten years, including three years as Chief Justice. 

Justice Balakrishnan will be speaking at India Celebrates World Values Day: Values Bring Us Together on 16th October from 11.30 BST (UTC/GMT+1) which is 4pm IST, to 13.15 BST which is 17.45 IST. For more information click here, and to join the event on Zoom click here.

Heidi Bentley
is Co-Founder and Director of the Congo Tree, a youth development charity based in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the UK, which believes in developing the skills of young people – the next generation of leaders. Their WYLD Programme equips young people with transferable ‘life’ and leadership skills, supports them with mentoring and encourages them to get involved in their community.

HEIDI BENTLEY is Co-Founder and Director of the Congo Tree, a youth development charity based in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the UK, which believes in developing the skills of young people – the next generation of leaders. Their WYLD Programme equips young people with transferable ‘life’ and leadership skills, supports them with mentoring and encourages them to get involved in their community.

Heidi will be co-hosting Staying Young as a Values on 20th October from 13.00 to 14.30 BST (UTC/GMT+1). For more information click here, and to register click here.


Natalia Blagoeva 

Natalia lives in Zurich, Switzerland. She is an MBA and MSc, a Systemic Coach, a Certified consultant in Leadership and Culture, Learning and Development, and a Family and Systemic Constellator. She has lived and worked in five countries, which includes 20 years of experience as an international C-level executive and ten years as a management consultant, a life coach, and a trusted partner of changemakers.

Today, the core focus of Natalia is on supporting humans to - not just to remain relevant, but to thrive in an era dominated by AI and machines by accessing and mastering key competences with which we humans outperform the machines. She calls that the Human Advantage. 

Natalia does that using the power and wisdom of Family and Systemic Constellations and other systemic approaches. Ultimately, that is about learning what intuition is and how to foster it, what consciousness, love, joy, and beauty have to do with it, how creation happens, what is a human and moral agency, where inspiration and wisdom come from, and how to tap into them, how to the open to the mystery and magic in life and how to provoke positive change.

NATALIA BLAGOEVA MBA MSc lives in Zurich, Switzerland, and is a Systemic Coach, Certified consultant in Leadership and Culture, Learning and Development, and a Family and Systemic Constellator. She has 20 years of experience as an international C-level executive and ten years as a management consultant, life coach, and a trusted partner of changemakers. Today, her core focus is on supporting humans not just to remain relevant, but to thrive in an era dominated by AI and machines, by accessing and mastering key competences with which we humans outperform the machines. She calls that the Human Advantage. Natalia does that using the power and wisdom of Family and Systemic Constellations and other systemic approaches.

Natalia will be speaking at Values and True Belonging: Systemic Constellations with Natalia Blagoeva on 15th October from 17.00 to 19.00 BST (UTC/GMT+1) – for more information click here, to register click here

Sue Bottomley 

Sue is an Executive coach, Facilitator for Living Values in Education, Thinking Partner, known for offering cutting-edge practices, deep conversations to unravel dissonance in “stories” soma, spirit. With Sue you are invited to heal and become your own best friend through building self -trust, inner peace, acceptance of what is. Designer and co-facilitator of Pause Circles and the Pause range of programs.

SUE BOTTOMLEY is an Executive coach, Facilitator for Living Values in Education, Thinking Partner, known for offering cutting-edge practices, deep conversations to unravel dissonance in “stories” soma, spirit. With Sue you are invited to heal and become your own best friend through building self -trust, inner peace, acceptance of what is. Designer and co-facilitator of Pause Circles and the Pause range of programs.

Sue will be speaking at Pause® – A Call To Calm – Making Friends With Yourself on 19th October from 18.00 to 19.00 BST (UTC/GMT+1) – for more information click here, to register click here

WVD 2022 Valuesthon speaker headshot photo Rhonda Bowen Wiesmann_Juli_2012_RBO_6415-web

RHONDA L. BOWEN is a global strategic communication guide with 30+ years’ experience working with people from 70+ countries who are BEST professionals (business, engineering, science and technology). She supports others through interactive sessions called success swarms, based on swarm intelligence. The process: wispiration in action, wisdom plus inspiration shared to find practical applications.

Rhonda will be speaking at Determining Compelling Values: Linking Your Values To Align With Others on 19th October from 18.00 to 19.00 BST (UTC/GMT+1) – for more information click here, to register click here.

Haji Syed Salman Chishty 

Syed Salman Chishty is Chairman of the Chishty Foundation. He has been heading the Chishty Foundation - Ajmer Sharif as the Managing Trustee and Chairman for the last 8 years and is also the Founding member along with other elders of the Chishty Sufi Family. He travels extensively with a focus on the blessed cause of Unity, Unconditional Love, Serve and Respect for the whole of Humanity across the world.

HAJI SYED SALMAN CHISHTY is Chairman of the Chishty Foundation. He has been heading the Chishty Foundation – Ajmer Sharif as the Managing Trustee and Chairman for the last 8 years and is also the Founding member along with other elders of the Chishty Sufi Family. He travels extensively with a focus on the blessed cause of Unity, Unconditional Love, Serve and Respect for the whole of Humanity across the world.

Haji Syed will be speaking at India Celebrates World Values Day: Values Bring Us Together on 16th October from 11.30 BST (UTC/GMT+1) which is 4pm IST, to 13.15 BST which is 17.45 IST. For more information click here, and to join the event on Zoom click here.

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FRANCES DA CUNHA worked as a GP in inner London for 20 years, and then for 15 years in rural Somerset. She has always been actively involved in the education of students and doctors as well as primary care research. She main interest now is in integrating care for patients with complex problems and developing compassion in health care. She is clinical lead for the West Mendip Integrated Care Project, enabling a holistic approach to care and empowering patients in decision-making about their health.

Francis will be speaking at Finding the gold: Appreciative Inquiry for collective resurgence in healthcare on 19th October from 13.00 to 14.30 BST (UTC/GMT+1); for more information click here, and to register click here.



Dr Paquita de Zulueta 
worked for 38 years until 2021 as a GP and has a special interest in mental health, migrant health, compassionate leadership in healthcare, clinical ethics and professional wellbeing and development. She was President at Royal Society of Medicine, is honorary senior clinical lecturer and Schwartz Round facilitator at Imperial College London, a member of Royal Society of General Practitioners ethics committee and trustee of Institute of Medical Ethics. She is also a CBT therapist, qualified coach and mentor, and was selected for the Point of Care Foundation Shining Star Award in 2021. She has written articles and book chapters on clinical ethics and compassion in healthcare and is Chair of the Human Values in Healthcare Forum.

DR PAQUITA DE ZULUETA worked for 38 years as a GP and has a special interest in mental health, migrant health, compassionate leadership in healthcare, clinical ethics and professional wellbeing and development. She was President at Royal Society of Medicine, is honorary senior clinical lecturer at Imperial College London, member of the Royal Society of General Practitioners ethics committee and trustee of Institute of Medical Ethics. She is also a CBT therapist, qualified coach and mentor, and was selected for Point of Care Foundation Shining Star Award in 2021. She has written articles and book chapters on clinical ethics and compassion in healthcare and is Chair of the Human Values in Healthcare Forum.

Paquita will be speaking at AI and Values: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly on 6th October from 12.30 to 14.00 BST (UTC/GMT+1). For more information click here, to register click here. She will also be speaking at Finding the gold: Appreciative Inquiry for collective resurgence in healthcare on 19th October from 13.00 to 14.30 BST (UTC/GMT+1); for more information click here, and to register click here.

Pamela Doherty

Pamela is CEO of values driven consultancy AxiaOrigin, Uk. She is passionate about values driven leadership. She has led teams for over 30 years and advocates that creating the conditions for everyone to be their best selves through people centred, ethical and inclusive leadership is the recipe for collective success. She was HR Director for one of the UK's biggest water companies, then took up several Executive Director positions.

PAMELA DOHERTY is CEO of values driven consultancy AxiaOrigin, Uk. She is passionate about values driven leadership. She has led teams for over 30 years and advocates that creating the conditions for everyone to be their best selves through people centred, ethical and inclusive leadership is the recipe for collective success. She was HR Director for one of the UK’s biggest water companies, then took up several Executive Director positions.

Pamela will be speaking at India Celebrates World Values Day: Values Bring Us Together on 16th October from 11.30 BST (UTC/GMT+1) which is 4pm IST, to 13.15 BST which is 17.45 IST. For more information click here, and to join the event on Zoom click here.

Sage Dunia 
is Programmes Coordinator of Congo Tree, a youth development charity based in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the UK, which believes in developing the skills of young people – the next generation of leaders. Their WYLD Programme equips young people with transferable ‘life’ and leadership skills, supports them with mentoring and encourages them to get involved in their community.

SAGE DUNIA is Programmes Coordinator of Congo Tree, a youth development charity based in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the UK, which believes in developing the skills of young people – the next generation of leaders. Their WYLD Programme equips young people with transferable ‘life’ and leadership skills, supports them with mentoring and encourages them to get involved in their community.

Sage will be co-hosting Staying Young as a Values on 20th October from 13.00 to 14.30 BST (UTC/GMT+1). For more information click here , and to register click here.


Annette Ebbinghaus is a Master Sophrologist, Certified HeartMath coach, NLP & Hypnosis Practitioner and MindfulnessInSchools trainer based in Geneva. Founder of beChill programmes for teens and kids transforming anxious energy into calm confidence. Annette is also passionate about and works in the area of burnout

ANNETTE EBBINGHAUS is a Master Sophrologist, HeartMath® coach, Positive Intelligence®, Hypnosis and NLP practitioner. Annette works with the link between mind and body helping her clients shape their future through being connected with both. She specializes in burnout prevention & recovery, stress management and working with adolescents, transforming anxious energy into calm confidence.

Annette will be speaking at Mind Body Practice: a personal value in action on 19th October from 10.00 to 10.45 BST (UTC/GMT+1)- for more information click here, to register click here

Carla Forth

CARLA FORTH is a Sophrologist with over ten years’ experience working within organisations to help employees manage stress more effectively. Carla brings the benefits of Sophrology to individuals, team facilitation and leadership teams.

Carla will be speaking at Mind Body Practice: a personal value in action on 19th October from 18.00 to 18.45 BST (UTC/GMT+1)- for more information click here, to register Meeting Registration – Zoom

Janic Gorayeb
Janic is the Founder of Ripple Effect Leadership and works and helps entrepreneurs and organizations create collaborative teams so they can rock their purpose and grow their business from the inside out. Visit for more information.

JANIC GORAYEB is the Founder of Ripple Effect Leadership and works and helps entrepreneurs and organizations create collaborative teams so they can rock their purpose and grow their business from the inside out. Visit for more information.

Janic will be speaking at Valuepreneurship: Building an Online Business That Rocks the World on 19th October from 17.00 to 17.30 BST (UTC/GMT+1) – for more information click here, to register click here.

Eben Greene

Eben believes that authentic connection and soul expression are pathways to wholeness and transcendence. As the vision keeper for ShiftUp and the creator of the ValYou symbols, Eben brings a depth of experience to accelerate purposeful growth for individuals and businesses. His top two core ValYous are Courage and Soulove. His "Be You More" mission is all about supporting people to heal, grow and empower themselves.

EBEN GREENE believes that authentic connection and soul expression are pathways to wholeness and transcendence. As the vision keeper for ShiftUp and the creator of the ValYou symbols, Eben brings a depth of experience to accelerate purposeful growth for individuals and businesses. His top two core ValYous are Courage and Soulove. His “Be You More” mission is all about supporting people to heal, grow and empower themselves. 

Eben will be speaking at Be You More: Activate Your Values Workshop on 19th October from 20.30 to 21.30 BST (UTC/GMT+1) – for more information click here, to register click here.

Corinne Guion

Corinne is passionate about wellbeing and personal development. She held senior commercial and managerial roles in the demanding world of Consumers Electronics and is now helping others find their strengths and follow their path as a Personal Development Coach, Sophrology Practitioner, and Mindfulness Teacher.  She is Associate Member of the International Sophrology Federation and Member of the Complementary Medical Association.

CORINNE GUION is passionate about wellbeing and personal development. She held senior commercial and managerial roles in the demanding world of Consumers Electronics and is now helping others find their strengths and follow their path as a Personal Development Coach, Sophrology Practitioner, and Mindfulness Teacher.  She is Associate Member of the International Sophrology Federation and Member of the Complementary Medical Association.

Corinne will be speaking at Mind Body Practice: a personal value in action on 19th October from 11.00 to 11.45 BST (UTC/GMT+1) – for more information click here , and to register click here; she will be facilitating a similar session later that same day from 19.00 to19.45 BST  (UTC/GMT+1) – for more information click here; to register click here.


DAVID GURTEEN is a writer, public speaker and conversational facilitator. The focus of his work is on Conversational Leadership – a conversational approach to the way that we live and work. He is the creator of the Knowledge Café – a conversational process to bring a group of people together to learn from each other, build relationships and make better sense of a rapidly changing, complex, less predictable world.

David will be speaking at the World Values Day Intergenerational Knowledge Café on 12th October from 09.30 to 11.30 BST (UTC/GMT+1)- for more information click here, to register click here. He will be speaking at the same event on 19th October at the same times – for more information click here, to register click here.

Jenny Haase
Jenny has spent her career in Leadership/Organizational Development, primarily in the areas of Client/Employee Experience, Event Design, and C-Suite Business Support Partner. Founder of “Kindness from the Heart,” Jenny believes that Kindness is a superpower, unleashing energy that ripples in ways unimagined … touching countless lives and transcending generations. Her mission? To share a compelling vision for creating a Legacy of Kindness … in our communities, organizations, and across the planet.

JENNY HAASE spent her career in Leadership/Organizational Development, primarily in the areas of Client/Employee Experience, Event Design, and C-Suite Business Support Partner. Founder of “Kindness from the Heart,” Jenny believes that Kindness is a superpower, unleashing energy that ripples in ways unimagined … touching countless lives and transcending generations. Her mission? To share a compelling vision for creating a Legacy of Kindness … in our communities, organizations, and across the planet.Contact Jenny at: and find more information at

Jenny will be speaking at Partners in Kind: How a Small Act of Kindness Can Change the World on 19th October from 16.00 to 17.00 BST (UTC/GMT+1) – for more information click here and to register click here; and then at the same event again from 21.00 to 22.00 BST – for more information click here and to register click here.

PJ is CEO and Founder of Positive Knowledge, LLC. and Master Coach at Fourth Level Coaching.  Melding an engineer’s intellect and an awakened heart, PJ combines a professional background as an Applied Scientist, engineer, and organizational transformation expert to help individuals’ breakthrough and level up to new heights in personal development.  PJ is leveraging over 30 years of experiences making a positive impact on LinkedIn with over 60K followers.

PJ JACKSON is CEO and Founder of Positive Knowledge, LLC. and Master Coach at Fourth Level Coaching.  Melding an engineer’s intellect and an awakened heart, PJ combines a professional background as an Applied Scientist, engineer, and organizational transformation expert to help individuals’ breakthrough and level up to new heights in personal development.  PJ is leveraging over 30 years of experiences making a positive impact on LinkedIn with over 60K followers.

PJ will be speaking at World Wellness Wheel of Life on 19th October from 14.00 to 15.00 BST (UTC/GMT+1) – for more information click here, to register click here, and she will be speaking at the same event later from midnight 19th October to 01.00 early in the morning of 20th October BST (if you are in the US this is from 7pm to 8pm Eastern Time on October 19th) – for more information click here, to register click here.

Dr H.P. Kanoria 

Chairman of Universal Spirituality & Humanity Foundation. He is a renowned industrialist, banker, journalist, educationist, philanthropist, social awakener with the mission and vision for enhancing spiritual value service to humanity and taking up the cause for women awakening. Besides several humanitarian awards, he has been conferred The Global Man of the Year at the 3rd Annual Global Officials of Dignity (G.O.D) Awards, held in August 2015 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

DR H.P. KANORIA is Chairman of Universal Spirituality & Humanity Foundation. He is a renowned industrialist, banker, journalist, educationist, philanthropist, social awakener with the mission and vision for enhancing spiritual value service to humanity and taking up the cause for women awakening. Besides several humanitarian awards, he has been conferred The Global Man of the Year at the 3rd Annual Global Officials of Dignity (G.O.D) Awards, held in August 2015 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

Dr Kanoria will be speaking at India Celebrates World Values Day: Values Bring Us Together on 16th October from 11.30 BST (UTC/GMT+1) which is 4pm IST, to 13.15 BST which is 17.45 IST. For more information click here, and to join the event on Zoom click here.

Hank Kune
Hank launched Educore 30 years ago to support projects and people in user-centered innovation processes. Working from the Netherl ands, he takes part in innovation projects throughout the world. These projects often involve the collaboration of ecosystems of multi-party stakeholders. The integration of creativity and entrepreneurial spirit characterizes this work which often aims  at addressing societal innovation and supporting sustainable futures. Societal innovation requires thoughtful, dedicated collaboration across sectors, cultures, generations, and borders of all kinds, aspiring to discover what is needed to make ‘the impossible’ possible – and then do it.

HANK KUNE launched Educore 30 years ago to support projects and people in user-centered innovation processes. Working from the Netherl ands, he takes part in innovation projects throughout the world. These projects often involve the collaboration of ecosystems of multi-party stakeholders. The integration of creativity and entrepreneurial spirit characterizes this work which often aims  at addressing societal innovation and supporting sustainable futures. Societal innovation requires thoughtful, dedicated collaboration across sectors, cultures, generations, and borders of all kinds, aspiring to discover what is needed to make ‘the impossible’ possible – and then do it.

Hank will be speaking at the World Values Day Intergenerational Knowledge Café on 12th October from 09.30 to 11.30 BST (UTC/GMT+1)- for more information click here, to register click here. He will be speaking at the same event on 19th October at the same times – for more information click here, to register click here.

Georgina Long

Is the UK Interfaith Co-ordinator for the Brahma Kumaris working with the different faith traditions at a local and national level. In this capacity, she leads on the City of Sanctuary Award (faith stream) working with refugees and refugee organizations in the UK. A wise and compassionate person, she has worked as an education coordinator in a top security prison and a volunteer trainer in a hospice.

GEORGINA LONG is the UK Interfaith Co-ordinator for the Brahma Kumaris working with the different faith traditions at a local and national level. In this capacity, she leads on the City of Sanctuary Award (faith stream) working with refugees and refugee organizations in the UK. A wise and compassionate person, she has worked as an education coordinator in a top security prison and a volunteer trainer in a hospice.

Georgina will be speaking at Walking the Talk – Love Finds a  Way on 19th October from 1900 to 20.30 BST (UTC/GMT+1) – for more information click here, and to access the livestream link on the day click here. 

Dr Glen T. Martin PhD 

Glen Martin is Emeritus Professor of Philosophy Radford University in Virginia, USA. He is Executive Director of the Earth Constitution Institute and President of the World Constitution and Parliament Association, coordinating organization for the Constitution for the Federation of Earth. He has received many international peace awards, and is author or editor of 12 books and hundreds of articles on global issues, human spirituality, and planetary solutions.

PROF. GLEN T. MARTIN PhD is Emeritus Professor of Philosophy Radford University in Virginia, USA. He is Executive Director of the Earth Constitution Institute and President of the World Constitution and Parliament Association, coordinating organization for the Constitution for the Federation of Earth. He has received many international peace awards, and is author or editor of 12 books and hundreds of articles on global issues, human spirituality, and planetary solutions.

Prof Martin will be speaking at India Celebrates World Values Day: Values Bring Us Together on 16th October from 11.30 BST (UTC/GMT+1) which is 4pm IST, to 13.15 BST which is 17.45 IST. For more information click here, and to join the event on Zoom click here.

Randy McNeely

Randy McNeely is the Executive Producer for The Kindness Factor podcast and streaming human-interest series sharing life-changing, personal stories of the transformational impact of kindness. He is also the author of The Kindness Givers’ Formula 2.0: A 5-Step Guide to Reaching Hearts, Inspiring Change, and Healing the World Through Love.

RANDY MCNEELY is the Executive Producer for The Kindness Factor podcast and streaming human-interest series sharing life-changing, personal stories of the transformational impact of kindness. He is also the author of The Kindness Givers’ Formula 2.0: A 5-Step Guide to Reaching Hearts, Inspiring Change, and Healing the World Through Love. Contact Randy at:

Randy will be speaking at Partners in Kind: How a Small Act of Kindness Can Change the World on 19th October from 16.00 to 17.00 BST (UTC/GMT+1) – for more information click here and to register click here; and then at the same event again from 21.00 to 22.00 BST – for more information click here and to register click here.

Susan LePlae Miller

Susan is a values consultant, speaker, author and poet who developed the mantra “Know your value, live your values” as a way to inspire authenticity and impact with individuals and teams. With 30 years of experience in Operations (Partnerships, Product, and Supply Chain Management), Susan understands the inner workings of business and how teamwork and collaboration fuels results. As Founder of Pieces of I, LLC, Susan integrates the mission, vision, and values within teams to help maximize impact.

SUSAN LEPLAE MILLER is a values consultant, speaker, author and poet who developed the mantra “Know your value, live your values” as a way to inspire authenticity and impact with individuals and teams. With 30 years of experience in Operations (Partnerships, Product, and Supply Chain Management), Susan understands the inner workings of business and how teamwork and collaboration fuels results. As Founder of Pieces of I, LLC, Susan integrates the mission, vision, and values within teams to help maximize impact. 

Susan will be speaking at Be You More: Activate Your Values Workshop on 19th October from 20.30 to 21.30 BST (UTC/GMT+1) – for more information click here, to register click here.

Liz Murphy

LIZ MURPHY’s career in Organisational and Leadership Development led to her fascination with the power of the mind-body connection to influence performance, capability and quality of relationships, particularly during periods of rapid change. She trained in sophrology, a life-balancing mind-body practice for wellbeing, and now runs The Sophrology Academy, training professional sophrology practitioners. She is also a board member of the International Sophrology Federation and Fellow of the RSA.

Liz will be speaking at Mind Body Practice: a personal value in action on 19t October from 08.00 to 08.45 BST (UTC/GMT+1) – for more information click here, to register click here.

Jaz O'Hara 
Is a British human rights defender working in the field of international refugee support and the inspirational co-founder of the Worldwide Tribe charity. Speaker and podcaster, Jaz has become a leading voice speaking everywhere from TedX to the United Nations. Her book Asylum Speakers - stories of migration from the humans behind the headlines introduces us to lives of extraordinary courage and compassion.

JAZ O’HARA is a British human rights defender working in the field of international refugee support and the inspirational co-founder of the Worldwide Tribe charity. Speaker and podcaster, Jaz has become a leading voice speaking everywhere from TedX to the United Nations. Her book Asylum Speakers – stories of migration from the humans behind the headlines introduces us to lives of extraordinary courage and compassion.

Jaz will be speaking at Walking the Talk – Love Finds a  Way on 19th October from 1900 to 20.30 BST (UTC/GMT+1) – for more information click here, and to access the livestream link on the day click here. 

Florence Parot works with stress, sleep and burnout management. She lectures in many Sophrology schools around Europe and writes books & articles on applied Sophrology. Florence runs a retreat centre dedicated to burnout prevention and management in the heart of the French countryside. She has now also started her own school in France training people to become professional sophrology practitioners

FLORENCE PAROT works with stress, sleep and burnout management. She lectures in many Sophrology schools around Europe and writes books & articles on applied Sophrology. Florence runs a retreat centre dedicated to burnout prevention and management in the heart of the French countryside. She has her own school in France training people to become professional sophrology practitioners.

Florence will be speaking at Mind Body Practice: a personal value in action on 19th October from 13.00 to 13.45 BST (UTC/GMT+1) – for more information click here, to register click here. She will be presenting the same event in French later that day from 17.00 to 17.45 BST – for more information click here, to register click here. 

Gulwali Passarley

is the author of the best-selling book ‘The Lightless Sky - A Twelve-Year-Old Refugee’s Harrowing Escape from Afghanistan and His Extraordinary Journey Across Half The World. An award-winning activist and campaigner, Co-Founder of My Bright Kite CIC and member of Afghan Refugee Expert Network in Europe (ARENE), Gulwali is a passionate advocate, humanitarian, and spokesperson for refugees and asylum seekers across the UK and Europe.

GULWALI PASSARLEY is the author of the best-selling book ‘The Lightless Sky – A Twelve-Year-Old Refugee’s Harrowing Escape from Afghanistan and His Extraordinary Journey Across Half The World. An award-winning activist and campaigner, Co-Founder of My Bright Kite CIC and member of Afghan Refugee Expert Network in Europe (ARENE), Gulwali is a passionate advocate, humanitarian, and spokesperson for refugees and asylum seekers across the UK and Europe.

Gulwali will be speaking at Walking the Talk – Love Finds a  Way on 19th October from 1900 to 20.30 BST (UTC/GMT+1) – for more information click here, and to access the livestream link on the day click here. 

Sarah Pengelly
Sarah taught in London Primary schools for 12-years specialising in Literacy and PSHE, has an MA Educational Psychotherapy and previously worked at the BBC. For the past 4-years, she has been working with non-profit charity, Human Values Foundation, to develop a new values-led PSHE programme called The Big Think, which has become a vital part of the curriculum in a fast-growing number of schools.

SARAH PENGELLY is currently piloting The BIG 3 + ME early-years programme in a range of PVI Nurseries and School Nursery and Reception classes in London in an EEF-funded project to develop Self-Regulation Skills in disadvantaged children in particular, as part of an extended Covid-Recovery plan. Sarah is curriculum developer for The Human Values Foundation and also developed The BIG Think PSHE Primary School programme. Before that she was a Primary Specialist in PSHE and Literacy for a number of years in London schools.

Sarah will be speaking at Being, Doing and Caring – Bringing Values to Life in Early-Years Classrooms on 19th October from 09.30am to 10.30am BST (UTC/GMT+1). For more information click here; to register click here.



Professor Dr. C.S.R. Prabhu 

Professor Prabhu is an eminent scientist who held prestigious positions in Government and also in professional bodies. He was Scientist G, Director General of National Informatics Center (NIC), Government of India at New Delhi and headed Computer Society of India’s Hyderabad Chapter and presently the Chairman of ACM Hyderabad Deccan Chapter. He authored 16 books of which 12 are in cutting edge subjects such as Fog Computing and Big Data Analytics. 

He founded and heads Vishwa Yoga Vidhapeeth and extensively taught Yoga globally. He conducted research both in Computer Science and Sanskrit texts and authored research level books in all the above areas. He developed Dharma Yoga as a Common Framework for all Religions and Science.

PROFESSOR DR CSR PRABHU is an eminent scientist who held prestigious positions in Government and professional bodies. He was Director General of National Informatics Center (NIC), Government of India at New Delhi, and headed Computer Society of India’s Hyderabad Chapter and presently the Chairman of ACM Hyderabad Deccan Chapter. He authored 16 books of which 12 are in cutting edge subjects such as Fog Computing and Big Data Analytics. He founded and heads Vishwa Yoga Vidhapeeth and has taught Yoga globally. He has conducted research both in Computer Science and Sanskrit texts and authored research level books in all the above areas. He developed Dharma Yoga as a Common Framework for all Religions and Science.

Dr Prabhu will be speaking at Dharma Yoga: A Framework of Values on 19th October from 07.00am to 08.00 am BST (UTC/GMT+1) which is 11.30am to 12.30am Indian Standard Time. For more information click here; to register click here.

Katrina Ramage

Katrina is Global Ambassador, World Values Day. She was born in Scotland and worked in communications and governmental organisations in London for 20 years including a spell at the Cabinet Office as Head of Strategy, Government Policy Unit. Now based in New Zealand, she focusses on supporting social regeneration initiatives, working closely with major stakeholders including the Government and major corporations. She has also established a number of global businesses and social enterprises.

KATRINA RAMAGE is Global Ambassador, World Values Day. She was born in Scotland and worked in communications and governmental organisations in London for 20 years including a spell at the Cabinet Office as Head of Strategy, Government Policy Unit. Now based in New Zealand, she focusses on supporting social regeneration initiatives, working closely with major stakeholders including the Government and major corporations. She has also established a number of global businesses and social enterprises. 

Katrina will be speaking at India Celebrates World Values Day: Values Bring Us Together on 16th October from 11.30 BST (UTC/GMT+1) which is 4pm IST, to 13.15 BST which is 17.45 IST. For more information click here, and to join the event on Zoom click here.

Rachel Rubio

RAQUEL RUBIO is a learning expert with over 15 years’ experience in leading and coaching individuals as well as teams in organisations in various leadership roles . She is the founder of Art2BeHuman, a movement that aims to empower human beings to connect to their true nature. Raquel discovered sophrology as a teenager growing up in Spain and decided to become a sophrologist herself, having experienced first-hand the benefits of this beautiful practice. She uses sophrology to empower others to take personal responsibility in creating the conditions to thrive. She is also a member of the board of the International Sophrology Federation.

Raquel will be speaking at Mind Body Practice: a personal value in action on 19th October from 14.00 to 14.45 BST (UTC/GMT+1) – for more information click here, to join the event on Zoom click here.

Shaileen Shah
Shaileen is a Happiness Coach, Speaker and Trainer. He is certified in The Science of Happiness and shares through Happy Life Habits, a business for good. Happy Life Habits Positively Impacts Happiness & Well Being Levels by creatively and uniquely combining Personal Development + The Science of Happiness + Spirituality.

SHAILEEN SHAH is a Happiness Coach, Speaker and Trainer. He is certified in The Science of Happiness and shares through Happy Life Habits, a business for good. Happy Life Habits Positively Impacts Happiness & Well Being Levels by creatively and uniquely combining Personal Development + The Science of Happiness + Spirituality.

Shaileen will be speaking at What Values Would You Die For? On 19th October from 11.00 to 12.00 BST (UTC/GMT+1) – for more information click here, to register click here. He will be speaking later the same day at a second session of this event from 20.00 to 21.00 BST – for more information on this later session click here, to register click here.  

Fabienne Vailes

Fabienne, Founder and Director of Flourishing Education, is driven by the question - how can we change the way we educate and parent our children and young people so that ALL can flourish and become curious, humble and flourishing lifelong, life-deep, life-wide learners?

She is a passionate advocate of a new systemic approach to education which empowers and puts children and young people at the centre of all decisions and choices, involves all the key players in their lives (parents, grandparents, teachers, friends) and stops focusing on attainment and exam results as a sign of intelligence.

FABIENNE VAILES is Founder and Director of Flourishing Education, and is driven by the question – how can we change the way we educate and parent our children and young people so that ALL can flourish and become curious, humble and flourishing lifelong, life-deep, life-wide learners?  She is a passionate advocate of a new systemic approach to education which empowers and puts children and young people at the centre of all decisions and choices, involves all the key players in their lives (parents, grandparents, teachers, friends) and stops focusing on attainment and exam results as a sign of intelligence.

Fabienne will be speaking at Awakening Young People to Values as a Foundation for their Future Lives on 19th October from 12.00 to 13.00 BST – for more information click here, to register click here.

Dr Rahul Varma is a multifaceted Corporate Executive and Philanthropist with a distinguished career in diverse roles spanning over 35 years. A leader whether Corporate or Charity with a strong vision and dedication to his commitments. He has held Strategic Senior Positions with Large Companies in India as Director and President. He is associated with various Chambers of Commerce and has been instrumental in launching a nationwide initiative for promoting Spirituality @ Work (Sach Bharat- Sach Visva) as the chairman of the committee (ASSOCHAM).

DR RAHUL VARMA is a multifaceted Corporate Executive & Philanthropist with a distinguished career in diverse roles spanning nearly 40 years. A leader whether Corporate or Charity with a strong vision and dedication to his commitments. He has held Strategic Senior Positions with Large Companies in India as Director, CEO and President. Currently heading Several Social Impact Initiatives and Foundations and has been awarded National & International awards for service to Humanity.

Dr Varma will be speaking at India Celebrates World Values Day: Values Bring Us Together on 16th October from 11.30 BST (UTC/GMT+1) which is 4pm IST, to 13.15 BST which is 17.45 IST. For more information click here, and to join the event on Zoom click here.

Ram Karan Verma

Ram Karan Verma has 40 years’ experience with the Indian Government, the United Nations,  World Trade Organisation. and World Bank. He is Chief Mentor, Techno India Group and an experienced Professor with a demonstrated history of working in the education management industry. Skilled in Management, Organizational Development, Public Speaking, Teaching, and Analytical Skills. He graduated from Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, MBA.

RAM KARAN VERMA has 40 years’ experience with the Indian Government, the United Nations,  World Trade Organisation. and World Bank. He is Chief Mentor, Techno India Group and an experienced Professor with a demonstrated history of working in the education management industry. Skilled in Management, Organizational Development, Public Speaking, Teaching, and Analytical Skills. He graduated from Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, MBA.

Ram Karan Verma will be speaking at India Celebrates World Values Day: Values Bring Us Together on 16th October from 11.30 BST (UTC/GMT+1) which is 4pm IST, to 13.15 BST which is 17.45 IST. For more information click here, and to join the event on Zoom click here.

Lindsay West

LINDSAY WEST is a successful coach, trainer and speaker, with a drive for results and a passion for wellbeing, people development and continuous improvement.  She is  Founder of Values Coach UK, published author of ‘Coaching with Values’, a certified Positive Intelligence Coach, member of UK Values Alliance, supporter of World Values Day, and a promoter of a values-based approach in life, career and organisations.

Lindsay will be speaking at Live Your Values; Manage Your Saboteurs on 19th October from 15.00 to 16.00 BST (UTC/GMT+1) – for more information click here, to register click here. 

Alan Williams

ALAN WILLIAMS is Founder & MD, SERVICEBRAND GLOBAL which helps leaders of purpose-led organisations, internationally and in the UK, to deliver sustained business performance and a service excellence culture through values-driven organizational alignment. He is a published author and international speaker whose projects have delivered measurable business impact across a balanced scorecard of measures and been recognised with industry awards.

Alan will be speaking at Bringing Organisational Stakeholders Together with a Sense of Shared Values on 19th October from 08.00 to 09.00 BST (UTC/GMT+1) – for more information click here, to register click here; at Awakening Young People to Values as a Foundation for their Future Lives on 19th October from 12.00 to 13.00 BST – for more information click here, to register click here; at Arts + Values + Human Expression on 19th October from 14.00 to 15.00 BST – for more information click here, to register click here; and at Values ValuesJam, Values and Why They Bring Us Together on 19th October from 17.00 to 18.30 BST – for more information click here, to register click here.

Ipek Williamson

Ipek Williamson is a Change Champion, Transformation Coach, Speaker, Author, Meditation Advocate & Teacher. She perfectly blends her 20+ years of corporate experience with diversified areas of expertise as a coach, mentor, and teacher. Ipek works with overwhelmed professionals in creating a sense of peace and flow in their lives. Through her coaching style, inspired and empowered by core values, mental fitness, and mind mastery, Ipek helps her clients discover their true potential. She guides them through the changes they face and helps them create the change they want to see in their lives. In addition to 70+ highly acclaimed meditations she showcases through the Insight Timer App, Ipek leads live meditation sessions through that same application. She also offers group coaching, workshops, courses, and training to individuals, teams, and corporations

IPEK WILLIAMSON: Ipek is a Change Champion, Transformation Coach, Speaker, Author, Meditation Advocate & Teacher. She perfectly blends her 20+ years of corporate experience with expertise as a coach, mentor, and teacher. Ipek works with overwhelmed professionals in creating a sense of peace and flow in their lives. Her coaching style, inspired and empowered by core values, mental fitness, and mind mastery, helps her clients discover their true potential, guides them through the changes they face, and helps them create the change they want to see in their lives. She showcases 70+ highly acclaimed meditations through the Insight Timer App, and leads live meditation sessions through the same application. She also offers group coaching, workshops, courses, and training to individuals, teams, and corporations

Ipek will be speaking at Be You More: Activate Your Values Workshop on 19th October from 20.30 to 21.30 BST (UTC/GMT+1) – for more information click here, to register click here.

Audrey Zannese

AUDREY ZANNESE is Director of Education at the Sophrology Academy and runs her own Sophrology practice where she specialises in helping people who are highly stressed or in burnout, and people living with a chronic conditions. Audrey believes it’s totally possible to live with a chronic illness, chronic pain or fatigue and be happy and enjoy life to the full. With a little practice, small and easy steps every day, big transformation can occur.;

Audrey  will be speaking at Mind Body Practice: a personal value in action on 19th October from 12.00 to 12.45 BST (UTC/GMT+1) – for more information click here, to register click here.