Selection of Values-Based Books
Here are a selection of values-based books, if you would like to read more on the subject of values. There are many more, please contact us for details.
This selection of useful tools and resources kindly provided by many World Values Day supporters will help you explore your values and gain useful insights. Please search using the colour coded filters below for the most appropriate one for you.
List your tools and resources here at: info@worldvaluesday.com
Here are a selection of values-based books, if you would like to read more on the subject of values. There are many more, please contact us for details.
Get Connected has the ambition to recreate those special moments in teams and organisations that we all love to be part of.
A short survey to help you understand and connect with your values.
This report on the power of sustainability-focused banking showing how a group of banks focused on sustainability have demonstrated that a focus on the real economy dedicated to supporting economic, social and environmental impact delivers steady financial returns.
Read this article published by The Simple Dollar and use the suggested exercise to make a change to the way you spend your time and money to reflect more of what you truly value.
The finance system must be inclusive to all areas of society. Get involved. Use your talents. Get inspired by Angela Clements, Founder and CEO of Fair For You who guest blogs for the Finance Innovation Lab about her journey within the financial system.
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