Albania becomes part of the global values community on World Values Day

A report by Manjola Perja on Albania’s first-ever values event

On World Values Day, 18th October 2018, at the National Historic Museum in Tirana, the first-ever values event in the history of Albania was held. It was organised by ALVA – Albanian Values and devoted to Albanian National Values with the message “I appreciate my homeland”.

The event was presented by well-known sweet voice presenter of hundreds of TV shows Mrs. Silvana Brace, who briefed on the importance of the World Values Day, the “WORLD VALUES DAY” community in which the organisation and Albania is part, and the importance of this community.

She said, “There are feelings transmitted from the depths of times, feelings that we show every day and this is the purpose of ALVA. To identify, promote in the best way the values of our nation, the values of our greatest people who have contributed not only to their families, but also to the homeland, and ultimately to each other. ”

Many personalities from different fields who are sympathetic to values honoured us with their participation and they also became part of the history as supporters of the Albanian national values and the platform of the organisation ALVA.

These Albanian “diamonds” who with devotion, and unlimited love for the country have worthily served the homeland and their communities, today and forever are models for every man, each of us who must feel proud of being Albanian. Their complete dedication to the homeland is a devotion beyond our imagination and a model for each one of us, whether we are in Tirana as capital of Albania, or in other cities like Vlora, Korca, Dibra, Prishtina etc.

We are also grateful to the great historical contribution of the Albanian diaspora, which never forgot their homeland and their birthplace in many difficult historical moments. We express our appreciation and gratitude for the contribution of many Albanian and foreign Albanian scholars, humanists who with their work made Albanian values identified and recognised by both Albanians and the whole world.

These assessments are symbolic but have great value, and they are just the beginning of a journey of appreciation, for everyone to think about, work, and contribute to the homeland, to their birthplace, to their community. They inspire us to understand that this small country is part of this world, where Albanians also belong and the hope of doing good things exists.

Among all these difficulties and social problems, humanism exists, this is the great hope for the future. Albanian youth should be educated to appreciate the work, dedication, and loving-kindness of these role models who never tire of contributing to the good of the homeland. The nation has never forgotten them and will always respect them.

This event is supported by a world leader in values, Mr. Richard Barrett, founder of “Barrett Values Center”. Barrett Values Center offers powerful metrics and enables leaders to measure and manage the cultures of their organisations, as well as the leadership development needs of their managers and leaders. The main products of his organisation are Cultural Transformation Tools (CTT) – Cultural Transformation Tools (MTK), which are used to determine the values of over 6,000 organisations and 3,000 leaders in 94 countries. Now as an organisation we are in the process of translating his book “Everything I learned about values” into Albanian. This is a book that makes you understand the essence of positive values on which man and community should be based and society developed.

After the presentation of the “World Values Day”, we listened to the welcoming speech of Mr. Barrett through a video of benevolent greeting to Albania, and an informative message about the essence of values. This video message will be published on our social networks accompanied by relevant translation.

Our society needs models like Mr. Barrett to be educated on the basis of values to improve personal, family, community, and further development of the nation. Richard Barrett has given his contribution to many countries of the world and already in Albania. In recognition of this global contribution that will already be implemented in Albania and wherever Albanians live, who think that life should be lived on the basis of positive values, the organisation values with the “Gratitude Certificate”.

The words welcoming us all to the event were spoken  by the founder of the “ALVA – Albanian Values – Vlerat Shqiptare” Albanian Organisation, Manjola Perja who presented and informed about the ALVA platform and its further visionary plans under the support of international foreign platforms.

Albania has many valuable historical, cultural tourism assets that we can do much from the very first step of identifying, developing and promoting as such is Albania itself a source of true human, historical, and cultural values.

The human values of the Albanian personalities should be models for the Albanians themselves wherever they live, both inside and outside the country, these models who are not tired of believing that this homeland can be made by being solidarized Albanians, respecting and evaluating the values of one another in this way the Albanian and Albanian’s good hope is the Albanian itself.

The honoured presenter Silvana Brace introduced the Albanian personalities who were awarded the “Certificate of Gratitude” for their contribution over the years. These assessments are always under the motto of examples and identification of human, patriotic, historical values whose contribution is immense and sometimes decisive for the history of our nation, an example that must be appreciated in many ways. With a certificate of “gratitude” to the values of the homeland were assessed:

  1. Honoured Mr. Richard Barrett founder of “Barrett Values Center”
  2. “The Dibra Community” for the model of more 100 years old patriotic contribution
  3. “The Great Master” Bujar Kapexhiu – As the current President of the Association “ The Dibra Community”, Bujar Kapexhiu said he was very happy to be in this event on the “World Values Day” to receive this certificate of appreciation. “It would be pleasure to all, he said, but I represent them all in this moment, so I thank on behalf of all the “The Dibra Community”, of all the dibranes who are for this assessment. Thanking them and of course promising that on this right path we have walked so far, and we will continue to walk. “It is known by all, not that to evaluate the Dibranes, added the head of the dibranas in Tirana, as are the dibranes, korcars, shkodranët, gjirorastritet etc, but since this evaluation begins with the “Dibra community”, I am pleased to say that the dibranes who have made a remarkable contribution as good workers, good households, scholars, writers, musicians as well as in all areas of life, but said Kapexhiu: “Let’s not forget, too, those initially as stubborn fighters to defend this country. Even today on all fronts of work you will find dibrane of extraordinary value that with great dedication they convey these values from generation to generation in order to have a continuity of values in this direction. So even this certificate that we have received today is a continuation and an appreciation for our work, but it should also be an encouragement for the continuation of this work in the future. “
  4. Supporters and contributors to the protection of the nation’s wealth, embodied by the Radika River. Of these, three main contributors are to be particularly thanked for the fact that today Radika remains untouched. a) M. Sc. Tofik Jegeni b) Prof. Dr. Molnar Kolaneci  c) PhD. Saimir Shatku
  5. The chairman of the American Council of Ministers, Haxhi Dauti, receiving the certificate of gratitude in Tirana, expressed “It is truly pleasure and pride that on the International Day of Values in the capital of our joint homeland Tirana by ALVA – Albanian Values with President Manjola Perja, I’m honored with a Certificate of Gratitude for our joint contribution, even with some dignitaries from Albania”.
  6. Historian Dr. Dorian Koçi Director of Albanian National Museum
  7. Journalist, writer “The Great Master” Bedri Alimehmeti
  8. Cultural Association “Woman” with President Ndricime Zeka
  9. Singer “The Great Master” Bujar Çiçi
  10. Diaspora Journalist Beqir Sina
  11. Patriot in diaspora Sabit Bytyci
  12. Patriot in diaspora Dr. Naim Dedushaj

Personalities who were evaluated after death for their contribution

  1. Qiriazi Sisters
  2. Dr. Sabri Tefiku
  3. Hasan Bakiu
  4. Journalist Dr. Lazer Radi
  5. Dritan Hoxha founder of Top Media
  6. Sabiha Kasimati

Special gratitude

  • GRATITUDE Kokonozi family

The schoolgirls of the “Servete Maci” school, Ajli Harasani and Hejprëll Kryekurti greeted the event by reciting verses from patriot Naim Frashëri and St. Mother Teresa.

At the end of the event there was a surprise intervention by the Cultural Association “ACAS SKANDERBEG” whose President Kol Marku supported and congratulated the initiator of this event, also praising with a Degree of Gratitude with the motivation “For special merits in the study and dissemination of cultural values, historical and linguistic of the ancient Albanian people”.

Good things are realised and made concrete when we cooperate for the best of our country Albania; respecting ourselves and others, everything is beautiful.

We thank activists, volunteers, supporters around the world for their kindness and help in realising this event.

Applicants who have expressed their interest in the first phase of the competition, we inform them that they have to wait for the second stage as, because of the many requests, the board has not announced the winners, while respecting the demands of Albanians around the world.


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