Some Highlights from World Values Day 2019

By the World Values Day Team

What an amazing World Values Day we all had this year! We can capture some of its flavour from some of the multitude of images that poured in during this year’s campaign. This year’s theme around the link between values and wellbeing resonated strongly in many different countries and communities.


Joy Village – Nigeria

We received some beautiful pictures from Joy Village, a values-based community in rural Nigeria, with the message of living your values shining through in their celebrations. Truly the embodiment of #WorldValuesDay!

The Human Values Foundation Stories on Values Competition

The Human Values Foundation’s held its fourth annual story-writing competition in honour of World Values Day.  Children from Europe, India, Africa and Asia sent in such imaginative entries for the Stories on Values competition, that it’s going to be hard for the judges to choose a favourite! We can’t wait to find out who the winners are!

There was a huge turn-out of businesses and organisations from around the world for this year’s World Values Day, with some even announcing brand new values to celebrate the day! From huge engineering firms and healthcare organisations, to small local businesses and community organisations, values were in sharp focus. It was great to see growing engagement in countries which have been less represented before, like Pakistan, Albania, Columbia, Lithuania and Lebanon, to mention just a few.

Finally, don’t forget to mark Thursday, 15th October 2020 in your diaries. It’s the date of next year’s World Values Day.

Very best wishes

World Values Day Team



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