Global Poetry Showcase Launch
Many people from different parts of the world have helped to develop the Global Poetry Showcase initiative and it has just been launched.
Many people from different parts of the world have helped to develop the Global Poetry Showcase initiative and it has just been launched.
Let’s be honest. COVID-19 has made us feel pretty uncomfortable. The pandemic has had a profound impact on all of us, in so many ways.
We are inviting organizations who value volunteerism to RECONNECT to their communities through volunteering for a positive impact.
This unique activity is specifically aimed at Bloggers or Influencers. However, anyone can participate if you don’t mind your photo and words being published in a public forum.
The global pandemic and climate change has made it very clear: WE ARE (an intrinsic part of) NATURE.
As World Values Day approaches I am considering my own personal journey to spending more time considering and living by my values.
We will recognise your kind donation by sending you a link to download our new “World Values Day 2024 Official Supporter” badge which can be used on your emails, posts and other communications.
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