WVD Schools Initiative Update

We are thrilled to announce that we are making available two more exciting FREE activities for schools to celebrate this year’s World Values Day on Thursday 20th October. Added to the eleven we are already offering, there are now thirteen activities to choose from. There’s something for everybody!

The theme of World Values Day this year is Values for Community, and this theme runs through all the activities.

Here are the two latest activities:

THE BIG 5 Project – is a free Social and Emotional Learning project for primary schools from the creators of The Big Think. It’s all about being aware of your inside weather and working together to improve the school climate, so that your entire school community unites in making a safe, caring and enabling learning atmosphere for everyone.

“Individually we create the weather, together we can change the climate.”

The project is centred around 5 Assembly and Lesson Kits for age 5-11 year olds (TRUTH, PEACE, LOVE, RESPONSIBILITY, COMMUNITY) that will begin the journey of understanding ourselves, respecting others and caring about the planet. The sessions include:

  • Silent Sitting meditations by Calm for Kids mindfulness specialists
  • Real-world stories edited by The Big Think Lead Author Maisie Chan (Danny Chung Does Not Do Maths – winner Jhalak Prize 2022, Runner-up Blue Peter Book Awards 2022)
  • Values Inquiry and Big Circles
  • Journaling
  • Songs by Big Thinkers Band (from Pssap – Grey’s Anatomy soundtrack creators)

Web link: Free Lesson Kits — The Big Think (the-big-think.org)


DIRT IS GOOD SCHOOLS PROGRAMME – this is a free programme for ages 7-14 (but can be adapted to younger/older students) that aims to narrow the Values Perception Gap in young people. Using our Values assembly pack, you can take the first step in uniting your students in compassion by supporting them to understand they are not alone in caring or wanting to take action for a better world!

The assembly helps students to explore their personal values, before identifying shared values with their peers. Once your school and students are feeling more connected, why not further strengthen their compassionate values by delivering the full Dirt Is Good Schools Programme which will see students develop community-based projects that work towards one of the SDGs? To find out more, get in touch at dirtisgood@futurefoundations.co.uk

Web link: www.dirtisgoodproject.com/uk/about

Please sign up to one or more of these activities using this Google form.

You can take your pick from the new additions above or the others we list below.

All of the World Values Day activities and ideas have been created with busy schools in mind. They are ready to go and have been piloted in schools with feedback given. With each activity there is a suggested age group for whom we deem the activity most suitable.

By registering your interest in World Values Day 2022, we can link you up with other schools who share a common interest. We plan to host one meeting for each of the areas prior to World Values Day on October 20th, where planning ideas can be shared and our global community relationships grow. Register your interest here.


DOUGH DISCO Cost: Nil | School Age Range: 2-8

We are lucky enough to have Shonette Bason of Spread the Happiness and Dough Disco on board with us this year. She is designing a special Dough Disco with a community theme for the day – this will be a sign up event with more details to follow.

Ideally, participants will join us live with a group in their community – residents from a care home for example or a buddy class – (depending on Covid restrictions in your area) to take part in this fun, muscle strengthening session.

If live timings do not work for you, there will be a saved version for you to do at your convenience. If you are not familiar with Dough Disco, please head over to YouTube – Shonette’s energy and enthusiasm is contagious!


READING ACROSS THE GENERATIONS Cost: Nil | School Age Range: 2-10

What a great way to bring our community together – sharing a story. We have piloted grandparents, community police officers, school nurses and local shop keepers sharing their favourite story or one from the class library. Children have loved having a new voice read to them.


VINTAGE PLAYGROUND OLYMPICS Cost: Nil | School Age Range: 5-12

Games such as Elastics, skipping rhymes, Bulldog, Hop Scotch and many more can be given new lease of life by inviting parents, grandparents and community members to share their experiences and demonstrate the games they loved as children.


COMMUNITY VALUES SANCTUARIES Cost: Variable to school | School Age Range: 8-18

The creation of a space for calm, contemplation and conversation is a way to bring people together. Involving members of the local community in making a place where nature can thrive. This can be as little as a few plant pots filled with herbs or flowering plants or as much as an entire garden space with pergolas, water features and willow dens. Bringing people together to create a lasting legacy of a tranquil place.


SHOWCASE OF LEARNING Cost: Nil | School Age Range: 8-18

Inviting the community into schools is a fantastic way to increase community engagement, making our schools accessible and open to visitors to re-establish their place as the centre of local communities. Invite guest speakers to share their experiences of school and engage in discussions about how things have changed and what remains constant.


COFFEE AND DISCUSSION Cost: Nil | School Age Range: 14-18

Having open discussions with local community members where they can drop in for a coffee and a chat with senior school pupils can help to build positive relationships – the local shopkeepers, community police officers and members of the public are always keen to see and hear from our young people and are a great source of advice and experience.


THE BIG THINK PRIMARY PSHE Cost: Nil | School Age Range: 5-12 Web Link: https://www.the-big-think.org

The Big Think PSHE programme explores Big life questions using shared human values and real world stories that build Social and Emotional Learning skills. Sessions can be part of your whole-school PSHE provision, or used to support key events like World Values Day over the year.

These free kits focus on the core value of COMMUNITY and the linked value of Celebrating Difference and explore some of the feelings and experiences we might have when we notice differences between each other and how to reach out and connect with those around us to celebrate diversity in all its glory.


GLOBAL POETRY SHOWCASE Cost: Donation | School Age Range: 12-18 Web Link: https://valuesalliance.net/global-poetryshowcase-2022/#contact.  This is an exciting opportunity for poets of all ages and abilities to showcase their poetic skills. This event seeks to bring out the poet in everyone.

It is an opportunity for people in communities all over the world to express thoughts, feelings, wishes and dreams about the future. Join with others in your community (school, family, club, company, street, village, church, group etc) to apply your creative energy into poetic words, in written, performed or digital formats.

Poetry is a wonderful way to spark thinking, reflection and conversation. The theme is VALUES for COMMUNITY. Just express yourself in poetry! Experienced poets and beginners are all welcome as are different styles and formats of poetry. You can enjoy a safe space to inspire poetry-led sharing, thinking, insight, reflection, exploration and conversation. For more information; https://valuesalliance.net/globalpoetry-showcase-2022


GOOD VALUES CLUB FOOTBALL GAME Cost: Nil | School Age Range: 8-18 Web Link: https://goodvaluesclub.wixsite.com/tgvc This game is a fun way to engage players in discussion about some of the values which are associated with the beautiful game. It was inspired by the tragic death of Leicester City’s Chairman Khun Vichai.

The game comes with a full pack of activities and instructions on how to play.


SUPERKIDS Cost: Nil | School Age Range: 6-12 Web Link: https://www.braintumour.ca/superkids/

SUPERKIDS is an educational program that seeks to spread education, awareness, empathy, kindness and understanding. The lesson plans are broken down into age groups which makes it a fantastically easy to access resource.


VALUESJAM Cost: £29.99 | School Age Range: 14-18 Web Link: https://values-jam.com/ It is our ambition to create harmony all over the world by inspiring one million values-led conversations. What contribution could your community make to celebrate World Values Day from 1-31 October?

This playful card game is quite simple to play. Just pick a values card (by choice or at random), start with the first question on the reverse and see where the conversation takes you. You can use none, some or all of the other questions and before you move on to another card, make sure to ask the final question.

Be open, honest, respectful, kind and curious. Above all, listen and feel the vibe – every card is different. There are no right or wrong answers. Just share your stories and go with the flow. It’s also OK “not to know” yet. If that’s the case, see what ideas are sparked by listening to the other ValuesJammer(s).

You can play 1:1 or in small or larger groups. You can also download your FREE Values for Communities guide to help you make best use of your card deck/s

Once again we ask you to please sign up to one or more of these activities using this Google form.




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