How to Grow a Loyal Audience for Your Work – By Leading With Your Values, by Pete Mosley

If you are a creative person, or a coach, or run a purpose driven business which supports the well-being of people/the world  – or if you are simply drawn towards more value-laden and collaborative ways of working, this post is for you.

There really is only one path to building a loyal and sustainable audience and that is by leading with your values, truthfully spoken.

You need to create the space for the conversations that allow people to test the integrity of your message – not just online and in print media – you need to get out there and talk to people face to face. The neuroscience of storytelling tells us that talking directly to a live audience is the single most effective way of connecting with people on a values level.

Over time, you will connect most powerfully with those who share the values at the core of your message. If they see you are honest, engaging and consistent, a genuine two-way empathic relationship is formed. They will feel drawn towards you and vice versa.


Trust now comes into play – and trust can be reinforced when people hear a consistent message that demonstrates your values in action. People start to feel warmth and gain reassurance from what you say.

You now have a relationship. If you are careful and consistent in your actions, listen carefully, and continue the dialogue according to their growing expectations, you generate loyalty. If your audience is trusting and loyal, they will begin to spread the word and become your champions and ambassadors.


This creates a loyal audience and by extension – a community, a tribe or movement – call it what you will.

You don’t need to be loud, shouty or cringeworthy to be effective. Listen carefully, lead with your values. Your real audience – those who share your core values – will be drawn towards you.

How to Work out Your Values

Grab your favourite note-taking equipment. Think about your life-long friends. What is it that binds you to them? What values do you share? Can you remember what drew you together in the first place? What do you admire about them?

By answering these questions – and listing the key values we identify along the way – we can get closer to identifying the values that really matter in our own lives.

About The Author

Pete Mosley is the author of The Art of Shouting Quietly – a guide to self-promotion for introverts and other quiet souls.  He’s now working on the sequel – Where the Magic Happens – which looks at the tension between stories we tell ourselves – and the stories we need to tell others – to convince them of the value of our work. 

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