Living Values Community Action Project for World Values Day

Each year Living Values Education (LVE) aims to do something different for World Values Day and this year they are calling for their supporters across 43 countries to put the WVD theme of Values Bring Us Together into action in their local communities.

The call is to set up In-Community Study Groups to spread values in local communities with a carefully-structured 12-week values course.  This initiative was sparked by a plea from a young man who runs a school in Uganda, asking for help for his community in which prejudice, jealousy, separation between and within families, squabbling and fighting among children was rife. He asked for a simple values exercise context that could bring his community to a place of peace and love, harmony and happiness.

The LIVING VALUES IN-COMMUNITY GUIDEBOOK shows how anyone can set up a small community group and embark on the course.  All anyone needs to do is send out the booklet with a personal note inviting friends and contacts and asking them to apply to for the supporting course materials. It’s a great opportunity to find out about Living Values Education and what they offer, and to join in the global activities around World Values Day

The course aims to help each individual:

  • To live and experience the present moment, moment to moment
  • To refresh the mind and experience peace
  • To be an observer; our ability to listen to the self and others
  • To increase creative potential
  • To restore the balance between what we think and do
  • To increase the quality of whatever we do
  • To rediscover our own values and qualities
  • To express with confidence and security the values we have
  • To empower our morals and ethics, individually & In-Community


“Just let the Values nurture you”. This is a phrase used in the LVE workshops – “Because Values create an atmosphere of Love, Safety, Understanding, Respect and Value, living in them nurtures us and everyone around us. Life is softer, safer, more nurturing and we flourish.”


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Whose Values?

Canadian psychoanalyst and management consultant, Elliot Jaques, was one of the first to recognise the importance of values in organisations.  Since then many academics and practitioners have identified the importance of values, devised tools and models to calculate and describe them, and more recently, marketing professionals have considered articulation of brand values as essential. It’s increasingly recognised that brands are no longer owned and controlled by the organisations who have the copyright of the trademark of the brand, brands are defined by all stakeholders, those who feel they share a sense of the values the brand represents to them. 

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