Empowering Our Values, Creating Our Destiny – Event Report

Charles Fowler reports back on a beautiful day in quiet of the country at the Global Retreat Centre, a serene Palladian mansion in rolling parkland at Nuneham Courtenay near Oxford, where with a group of 22 others he spent the day reflecting on and discussing the subject of Empowering Our Values, Creating Our Destiny.

The group thought deeply about the importance of values in their lives, where those values came from, and what gives them strength. We discussed how our values had helped and supported us in practical ways at crucial times of our lives.

“Values help me to be the person I want to be, not following others without thinking” was one reflection.

We considered how our values had an impact on the world around us, and how we might be able to amplify that effect.

It was agreed that values definitely have a real power to change the world. Simply living our values authentically can change those around us. As one of us observed: “Our values are given power by us exercising them.”

“How powerful our values can be so long as we remain true to them “ someone else said.

By the end of the day we certainly felt our values had been empowered, and our commitment to them reinforced.

One of the group put in this way: “It made me fall in love with values all over again.”

The Empowering Our Values, Creating Our Destiny event was jointly organised by The Brahma Kumaris and the UK Values Alliance.

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